Sunday, June 22, 2014

Sunday, June 22

Life in Hong Kong is never ending sensory overload, each minute drowns you in its wonders and it forces you to embrace all aspects pertaining to the culture. The first 72 hours have made us all realize how 6,000 miles makes you truly understand how much the world truly has to offer in terms of how to live. Like take for example our church experience this morning. We arrived expecting it would be slightly different that the typical service at home, but it was a real change from what we are all so used to. It was entirely in Cantonese except for a single verse of "Joyful Joyful" so you can assume our confusion when trying to worship. When it came to the sermon, which happened to be 40 minutes long (Although Kyle insisted it was 39) was a real shocker. We had Albert who was the associate pastor translating the sermon for us, in a very broken manner but was enough to understand the gist of the overall service. Jenna and Kyle struggled to hear all this translation because Albert always had the looming threat of pastor glare if he spoke too loud and the funny part was Darlene and I would nod our heads even though a majority of the translation was inaudible. After Jenni and Sarah felt better than they did earlier this morning we were able to enjoy a Pizza Hut lunch followed by our Sunday School with the kids which was a longer repeat of our typical VBS. Which included the dreaded "Get Down" and "Hey Mon" which Allen and I can hardly handle after the several times we've sang them. With Sunday School ending we went across the street from some dessert with Pastor Albert, and I suggested the idea of giving him a piece of the sending cloth, which he instantly put on his head and said "Rambo". We headed to a mall which we instantly left to go to the tea shop which sounded closer than it was, because Judy asked us if we wanted to go after entering the mall but we ended up walking probably a good 20 minutes from the Air Conditioned mall and this walk was strikingly similar to the Bataan Death March during WWII. The tea was quite good but when looking for a tea pot for my mother I discovered it was way too expensive for my liking so we moved on to dinner. Keeping the current tradition of no disappointing meals this place was a great restaurant in which everyone enjoyed all it had to offer. It was not as adventurous as my eyeball the night before but the group as well as myself enjoyed every bit. We are going to the Big Buddha tomorrow which will be another great addition to our seemingly endless Adventure.

-God Bless,
The Boy in the Purple Robe (Hunter)
P.S. Jenni says she misses her Mom.

Sunday morning worship

Leading Children's church


  1. You guys look like you're having a great time. Have fun, enjoy, and take it all in. Great blog Hunter.. we love you

  2. Thanks for the update, Hunter. It's so good to hear from someone each day. At church this morning we prayed for you all--and also in the high school Sunday School class (Jake H., Camryn B., Katie B.) Your sending cloth on the altar reminded us of you, too. Kyle--I miss you! Blessings on your week. Mona Stroud
